
The project aim is to help "plain old text logs" analysis, by transforming log entries into more structured form and putting them into a database.

Project maintained by UsualDeveloper Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

General info


The project aim is to help “plain old text logs” analysis, by transforming log entries into more structured form and putting them into a database. User can configure values to be extracted from log text messages and placed into separate columns in the target table.

IMPORTANT: The project is at an early stage of development and is still work in progress.


The conversion process implemented in the application can be divided into several steps:

  1. Reading log entry from a text file This can be any plain text log file, however, currently only single line log entries are supported (each line is treated like a separate log entry).
  2. Matching log entry with any of the Regex patterns specified Standard C# Regex pattern syntax is used. Patterns can match important values with separate named subexpressions.
  3. Values extracted with named matched subexpressions are used to fill structured log template Names of the named matched subexpressions are used to identify appropriate fields in the structured log template.
  4. Structured log is inserted into a database table with appropriate values Defined fields are inserted into separate table columns for better logs filtering.

How to use

The logs conversion process is configured with log-conversion-config.json file. Sample file is included in the application repository. Configuration parameters:

Log matching patterns and structured log templates

Matching pattern

Pattern matching uses standard C# Regex class pattern syntaxt. It’s important to note that names of the named capture groups defined in the pattern are used to extract values for specific fields.

Structured log template

When a match is found for specific named group, its name represents extracted field’s name. The matched group name and value are then used to fill target structured log template in the appropriate place.

Feature summary

Features supported so far: